Lu Engineers has demonstrated expertise with the NYSDOT in Environmental Engineering. We were designated for the Asbestos Term Contract in Regions 3, 4, 5 & 6 for New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) in 2009, first in a subconsultant capacity from 2009-2012 and then as Prime consultant from 2012 to 2016. Lu also held the Asbestos Term Agreement (D031369) in Regions 1, 2, 7 & 9 as the Prime consultant through 2018, and our designation was renewed for the 2019-2021 Term Agreement (D037811) in Regions 1, 2, 7 & 9. Our environmental team has completed projects on more than 700 bridges during our tenure. The contracts include on-demand asbestos surveys, abatement design, item number selection, special notes for the abatement work, site specific variances, and air/project monitoring for NYSDOT transportation projects. Typical projects include asbestos surveys and monitoring during asbestos removal on bridges and culverts.
Occasionally, a transportation project must acquire a home or commercial building. Lu Engineers has completed numerous asbestos surveys of these structures, prepared site specific variances and provided air and project monitoring services during the removal of asbestos. These projects are often completed during off hours and on weekends to facilitate the client’s schedules.
Our successive performance on these contracts has proven that our Asbestos Group is one of the best in the State of New York. We are graded on performance annually and continue to meet demanding schedules, provide exceptional technical expertise and complete projects on budget.