Lu Engineers was the Prime Consultant on this highway preventive maintenance project that involved six (6) County roads within the Towns of Greece and Gates. This federally funded project was initiated and administered by the Monroe County Department of Transportation to extend the service life of the roadways by replacing the existing wearing surface to prevent the condition of the roadways from declining beyond the point of which preventative maintenance treatments can continue to be applied in the future. The objective of this project was to perform pavement resurfacing/rehabilitation for the roads within the project limits. Work was progressed in accordance with the NYSDOT HDM Chapter 7 1R project guidelines, included spot pavement/joint repairs, drainage adjustment/cleaning, upgrading walkable routes to meet current ADA Guidelines, and installing handicap ramps and detectable warning surfaces as needed to address ADAAG/PROWAG requirements. The work extends the service life of the roadways for 10 to 12 years.
Lu Engineers was responsible for the preliminary engineering, final design and construction inspection and support. Preliminary Design included stakeholder coordination and preparation of the Draft and Final Design Approval Document (IPP/FDR), PETSR, safety audit and a sidewalk curb ramp assessment.
Environmental studies conducted include NEPA/SEQRA review, threatened and endangered species, and asbestos and hazardous waste screening and assessment. Final Design for this project included pavement design and curb ramp upgrades, as well as Final Construction Documents including plans, specifications and estimates. During Construction; Lu provided construction inspection services, observing day to day operations and MPT.