The Village of Holley contracted with Lu Engineers to complete a Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Step 2 Nomination Study, in which Lu Engineers provided an environmental review of the study area. The study area encompassed the entire footprint of The Village of Holley, which is a mixture of residential, commercial, and industrial properties including Diaz Chemical, a National Priority List (NPL) facility as well as adjacent properties.
The assessment was completed in preparation for redevelopment and revitalization of the area using BOA Grant funds. The project goal was to determine if further investigation was necessary on any parcel due to known or potential environmental impacts at or in the immediate vicinity of the parcel. Relevant brownfield, abandoned, and vacant sites were identified through review of current and historical aerial photographs, maps of Sanborn, topographic maps, and other historical maps, regulatory record review of federal and state listed properties, The Village of Holley assessment and building records, existing or historical records and reports, remedial investigations, studies, reports, and field observations.
Information from prior studies was utilized to identify over 60 abandoned, vacant and brownfield sites out of several hundred candidate sites. For each relevant site, a 2-page profile was completed that included a site map, name, location, owner, zoning, size, existing infrastructure, environmental and land use history, and if they were known of suspected contaminants. The information obtained during this study targeted and prioritized properties for redevelopment. An Asbestos, Lead Paint, Mold, and PCB Caulk Survey was completed for a property that was on a high-priority list to be renovated.