The former Frink America property underwent a Site Assessment under the NYSDEC Environmental Restoration Program (ERP) and USEPA Brownfield Program. The newly developed property, after remediation, houses a world-class hotel and will include private residences, public boat docks, a river walk, office space and a marina while creating new park areas and deep water port space along the St. Lawrence River.
The goal of the project was to identify the vertical and horizontal extent of petroleum contamination located on site in order to establish an appropriate cleanup alternative for the property. As a result of the information from previous environmental investigations, discussions with NYSDEC Region 6 staff in Watertown, NY and client objectives, a two-phased approach was developed to satisfy Environmental Restoration Program (ERP) requirements.
Phase I of the project consisted of investigation to identify the horizontal and vertical extent of contamination on the site. A Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) report identifying the vertical/horizontal extent of contaminant migration and evaluating appropriate remedial alternatives was completed. After the investigation phase was complete, the Town obtained additional ERP and EPA funding to complete remedial measures (Phase II) for the site. A cleanup Work Plan was developed to address known impacted areas to satisfy established remedial action goals. Lu Engineers prepared theĀ ERP grant for this project. On-site tanks were proposed for removal in the application as part of an Interim Remedial Measure (IRM), thereby streamlining the cleanup process and obtaining additional funding for building demolition.
During this project, our team encountered nearly 10,000 tons of metal, SVOC, and petroleum-contaminated soil as well as 300 feet of abandoned storm sewer lines. One of the most unique aspects of the project was the use of municipal forces (classroom OSHA trained by Lu Engineers) for the environmental cleanup at the site. This approach saved the Town of Clayton and local taxpayers approximately one million dollars in total cleanup costs.