Lu Engineers has held term contracts with the City of Rochester to provide Environmental Assessment and Brownfield Services since 2001. The City continues to award challenging projects based on our performance, technical expertise and responsiveness. We are also well recognized by the City for our expertise in evaluating abandoned buildings for structural, asbestos, mold, lead and hazardous materials. We have provided regulated building material and asbestos sampling, design, abatement specifications, bid review and air/project monitoring on diverse group of over 200 properties.
Representative Projects
City Asbestos Management Plan
Lu Engineers prepared an Asbestos Management Plan for all City-Owned Buildings including Fire Stations, Office Buildings, Libraries, Recreation Centers and Parking Garages. This management plan is referenced when the City is undertaking specific renovation projects.
Gardiner Street Fire House
In anticipation of upcoming building renovations, Lu was tasked with performing an asbestos, lead paint and PCB caulk survey. Suspected asbestos, PCB caulk and lead paint bulk samples were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis. Test results revealed that asbestos containing materials (ACM) and lead paint were present in various locations throughout the building. Lu Engineers is providing project monitoring and air sampling services during abatement work.
Bull’s Head Plaza STD Clinic
Lu performed asbestos bulk sampling in response to emergency plumbing repairs in the building. Analysis of bulk samples determined that asbestos containing materials were present in the ceiling of the closet. Lu Engineers prepared a NYS Department of Labor Site Specific Variance Request for the expeditious removal of the materials. Lu provided asbestos air and project monitoring services during the abatement work.
Building and Architectural Services Offices
Lu was retained to provide an asbestos, lead paint and PCB caulk survey of select offices in anticipation of upcoming window replacements in the building. Bulk samples were taken during the investigation and submitted to a laboratory for analysis. No regulated materials were identified at the time of the survey.
Rundel Library Exterior Repairs
Lu Engineers reviewed the site conditions caused by the falling piece of limestone that broke several pans and disturbed asbestos containing caulk. We prepared a NYSDOL Site Specific Variance for the Cleanup and provided project monitoring during the contractors work.