Working as a subconsultant, Lu Engineers provided a senior construction inspector for the bridge replacement project located in Steuben County, New York. The project included the replacement of a 1-span, 210-foot steel truss bridge with a 2-span, 232-foot multi-girder bridge, founded on CIP pile supported solid pier, integral abutments, and cantilever wingwalls. All substructures were oriented on a 15-degree skew. The bridge featured continuous metalized steel plate girders, galvanized cross frames and a jointless isotropic bridge deck. To achieve the desired freeboard, the bridge girders were haunched and the roadway vertical profile was raised. Detailed cultural resource and mussel surveys were required for this project as well as permits, including NYSDEC, USACE, SWPPP, floodplain development and NYSDOT HWP.