Lu Engineers was the Prime Consultant on this LAFA bridge replacement project that preserves the original bridge due to its historical significance. The new design includes raising the existing bridge approximately four feet to allow debris to pass under the low chord during storm events. This option preserves the existing bridge at its orginal site and redirects the traveling public to a new 125’ steel girder bridge constructed approximately 1,100’ upstream. The project also included approximately an 800’ approach roadway. Construction began in Fall of 2018, and was completed by late Summer 2019.
The project included wetland permitting services resulting in Department of the Army Nationwide Permit #14-Linear Transportation Projects, and NYSDEC Article 15 Excavation and Fill in Navigable Waters Permit and Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the Livingston County Highway Department. Coordination to determine the potential for impacts related to Endangered Species (ESA Section 7) and Historic Resources (NHPA Section 106), as well as additional environmental screenings were also conducted as part of the project. A Findings Document was prepared and a Determination of “No Adverse Effect” on historic resources was received for Section 106 purposes.
Lu Engineers prepared a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to comply with NY State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity (GP-0-15-002).